Oct 19, 2009

NASA Crashes probes into Moon

Normally when we think of space probes, we imagine small satellites orbiting planets and moons, taking pictures and scientific measurements. Well, early Friday morning NASA watched two probes crash into the moon. On purpose.

Now, I know what you might be thinking, so no, NASA was not suddenly handed over to a bunch of pre-schoolers. Rather, scientists are investigating the presence of water (in the form of ice) under the surface of the Moon. The first of the two probes crashed into the Moon around 7:31 a.m., creating a dust cloud more than 6 miles high.

The second probe followed behind the first, taking pictures and measurements as it passed through the dust cloud. It then crashed into the surface about 4 minutes later with an impact about 1/3 the size of the first.

The results of the mission, called LCROSS (the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite), are intended to be the first step in planning a manned mission to the Moon by 2020.

>>For more details click here....


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